Sara Jackson, 25 Apr 06

Darling Char

You’ve been on my mind a lot lately so I decided I’d like to put it down in a letter.

It’s the end of April and I’m still thinking about the afternoon of your stone setting.  Yet again your friends and family came in droves to honour your memory and place in our lives and continue to express their love.  Martin is spot on in feeling as proud as he is of all of your family, as everyone has behaved with such dignity and depth of feeling and you’d be proud of how they’re all coping with the chasm you’ve left behind.  Just looking at your darling boys, Solly and Sam, and how they are growing up is testament to this and it’s clear that your legacy remains.

I’ve realised that I am struggling to find a way of moving on from how much I miss you, but in a way that comforts me and I guess deep down I don’t want to.  I still think about how you’d help me with various things in my life and talking to you often just feels very natural.  I’ve been going through various stresses in the last few months and it really does comfort me to talk to you and imagine how you’d help me to see the positives and keep strong.

I was also thinking the other night about the last time you and I hung out.  It was Tuesday March 1st 2005 and is such a gorgeous but of course sad memory: meeting up in town for lunch on a sunny spring day. You, telling me that you were having blood tests, and then onto the business of feeding Jacob, Sam and ourselves, chatting to the waiters and catching up on everything.

From there to the National Gallery, where I had what I know will be my most enjoyable and informative trip round an art gallery.  You educated and inspired me and though I can’t remember a single painting I saw, I know how much I enjoyed just spending that time with you and experiencing another of your special skills.  Some time this summer I’m going to try and go there again with Jacob and recapture a little of what we had.

I hope that wherever you are you have found peace and that you continue to sprinkle your love and blessings on those you left behind.

We love you now as always

Your friend Sar