A little Note for Char's boys

Chysi Philalithes, 10 Oct 05

Dear Solly and Sam

You’re mummy is one of the most caring, fun and loving souls I know. I met her at University and we then spent time together when I would go over to New York. On my visits to NYC, we would go out for dinner, off to art galleries to see the latest collections, stroll down flea markets looking for bargains and just hang out. Your mummy is a great girl to spend time with. She’s got a great sense of humour, is intelligent and thoughtful, and has a heart so huge that confiding in her is easy.

Your mummy is very special and touched many people. Some say that everyone in the world is separated by 6 degrees of separation. I think that if you know Char, you have narrowed your odds to 3 degrees. Your mummy is such a wonderful soul that she got to know many people and touched us all. Over the last couple of years I didn’t see your mummy that often – and with Char that didn’t matter. All that mattered was that you were in her heart. And once there, you’d be there forever.

The last time I saw your mummy was in April. I came round to your gorgeous house and your mummy opened the door with the biggest smile. I remember talking about her illness and she was so incredibly positive and selfless. That night, for me, summed up your mummy – positive, loving, selfless, stylish, fun, laughing and most of all, so incredibly proud of her boys. Whenever I saw her, she always spoke about you both – her love for you is so great.  

Your mummy is one of a kind with an unbelievable smile that radiates and warms. She’s ace.

So much love.
