A virtual memory box

At Home, 8 Aug 2002This site has been put together as a collective memory of Charlotte who died suddenly on May 19th 2005.

Everyone who met Charl knew her beauty.  We all have been left wonderful memories which I hope I can capture here forever.  The primary reason for this site is to serve as a way for her boys Solly and Sam to remember their loving mother through the eyes of those who loved her the most.  Their memories are likely to fade, and I hope that by capturing and storing yours, they will remember.

If you want to know what has been recently added, go to the CharBlog area. I update this each time I add anything.

You can visit the Eulogies section where I publish speeches, letters and musings. Or the Memories section which is a chronology of recollections.

If you have a contribution (photos not obligatory), a message or if you want to comment on someone elses memory, email it to me here and I will publish it. It would be helpful to have a rough date for your memory.

If you like this idea, and would like to know how you can build your own Virtual Memory Box, please contact me and I would be only too happy to help.

Much love.
