Natasha Ziff, 10 Nov 05

Dear Solly and Sam

Your mum and I really bonded when we both were pregnant first time round and realised that we both shared the same feelings about our impending changes – were we going to be able to become as good at motherhood as we felt we should be?

As soon as you, Solly and Carly were born we both laughed at our pregnancy fears – we both realised how wonderful it was with you in our lives. Sol, you and Carly spent many a happy day in each other’s company (generally on Fridays when both your mum and I didn’t work) and we were often joined by Sharon and Arielle. Trips to the park and trips to the RAF museum spring to mind when I recall the fun days we had together and your mum always beamed at you as we hung out together. Inevitably we’d all end up in a nice café somewhere tucking into ice creams or cakes as the adults caught up on each other’s news and you kids laughed and misbehaved together.   

When your mum told me of Sam’s impending arrival we laughed at how we were entering the realms of serious motherhood with my expecting our baby Sam some 6 months earlier. I remember when you were  born Sam and I received an urgent text message from your mum telling us of your safe arrival and asking if we’d mind if your mum and dad also named you Sam. Darren and I were thrilled they had also chosen such a lovely name. Sam, when you had just arrived home I remember popping over to meet you for the first time and your mum looked positively amazing. She was glowing as she proudly held you up, already managing to wear all of her pre-pregnancy clothes and looking fab, despite feeding you a few times in the night.

I was so lucky to be able to share so many fun days out with the two of you, your mum and Carly and Sam whilst we both had our overlapping maternity leaves. We still managed to get out to the park but also hung out at each other’s houses and generally had a lot of laughs together. Your mum was always so full of life and energy.

Your mum was a truly wonderful person who proved to be the most caring, energetic and loving mum to both of you. I watched how she looked at both of you boys with such adoration and how she gave herself 100% to making sure you had such happy and exciting times together. Darren, Carly, Sam and I will always be here for you both – to share lots more fun times together and to share our memories of your amazing mum.

We miss her

love always